Ah, the joys of parenting teenagers – a delightful phase where getting them to do chores is like pulling teeth!!
Parenting teenagers comes with its unique set of challenges, but it’s also an opportunity to instill valuable life skills. In this blog post, we’re diving into the realm of household chores and why your teen should be stepping up and contributing to certain household chores! From building responsibility to fostering independence, these eight chores are not just about keeping a tidy house but preparing your teenager for the responsibilities that lie ahead.
Get ready to discover practical and empowering ways to engage your teen in the world of chores, transforming daily tasks into valuable life lessons. It’s time to empower the next generation with the skills they need to rock adulthood!
1. Making Their Bed
The habit of making the bed might seem simple, to you………. Your teen however has zero issue with their bed looking like a tornado just came through the house and landed only in their room! Encouraging your teen to make their bed daily instills discipline, order, and sets a positive tone for the day. It’s a small act that contributes to a sense of accomplishment and organization, setting the stage for a more productive day ahead. Plus, it’s a treat for the mattress to actually meet the sheets
2. Dish Duty Like a Boss
Dish duty is a chore that every teen should know how to do. It teaches responsibility, time management, and the importance of maintaining a clean kitchen. Who am I kidding – they make the mess, so they should clean it up! How many times has your teen left one plate and pulled out another instead of reusing the original plate! They make the mess – they should clean up the mess!
3. Doing Their Own Laundry
Ah, the sweet smell of detergent and the joy of separating whites from colors – a life skill that will undoubtedly make their future college roommate eternally grateful. Nothing says “I’m ready for adulting” like ensuring your undies are spotless and your socks are meticulously paired. You’re doing the world a service, really. Plus, you on’t want them coming home from college at the weekends with their laundry, that’s a big no no!
4. Vacuuming Up Their Own Mess
Yes, it makes total sense for your teen to vacuum. After all, they’re the ones behind the trail of snack crumbs, muddy footprints, and unidentifiable debris scattered across the floor. Who better to clean up the masterpiece than the artist themselves?
5. Cleaning their Disgusting Bathroom
The teenage bathroom – a place of mystery and horror that no sane person willingly enters. Your teen should totally be responsible for cleaning it. No mother should ever set foot into a teens bathroom to see what occurs in there. How else are they to learn that yes indeed, the trash can should be emptied when it is overflowing, and yes, ALL the hair in the sink should be removed, and yes, you should flush the toilet after every use. It’s a dirty job, but hey, someone’s got to do it.
6.Taking Out the Trash
I am a firm believe that once you have teens in the house, you should never recycle or take the trash out ever again. Make this chore their responsibility, it instills a sense of responsibility in them, while getting you off the hook!
7. Cleaning their Messy Bedroom
Oh, teenagers and their mystical ability to dance around the hamper like it’s a game of dirty laundry limbo! I mean, seriously, why is it that the floor around the hamper gets more action than the actual hamper itself? And don’t even get me started on the “under the bed storage facility” for dishes, undies, and socks—like, who knew the space under the bed had such multi-purpose potential?
Moms: implementing a weekly bedroom cleaning session for your teen isn’t just about tidying up; it’s a strategic move to rescue all those lost socks and wandering undies! So, next time you hear the “Mom, I need more socks” saga, just throw in a casual “Son, check under your bed” and save yourself some bucks!!
8. Mow the Lawn
So, here’s the scoop: Every teen should totally have the lowdown on mowing a lawn, whether they’re all in or not (cue the eye roll, am I right?). Sure, they might not nail it on the first go, but hey, practice makes progress, and each time they rev up that mower, they’ll level up their mowing game. Plus, believe it or not, some might even see it as a sneaky workout session! Getting that lawn in check isn’t just about the grass, though—it’s about building a sense of work ethic and achievement in your teen!
In conclusion, learning how to manage household chores is an essential part of growing up and preparing for adulthood, they probably won’t agree with you, so prepare yourself for the many eye rolls coming your way. By giving teens responsibilities around the house, we are helping to teach them important life skills such as independence, responsibility, teamwork, and compassion. These eight chores are just a starting point but these chores will benefit everyone in the long run!
Other articles you may like:
- How to declutter a bathroom
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Grainne Foley
Grainne Foley is a wife and mother of 2 great kids. During her 5 years of full time RV travel, Grainne learned to become very efficient at household chores, in order to make time for family adventures. Now, back in a house, she has continued to create tools and techniques to help others lighten the load of household organization and cleaning.
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